A Publishing and Consulting Venture Empowering Lives Through Stories in Los Angeles

Welcome to Setting The Captives Free, a dynamic consulting and publishing enterprise located in the heart of Los Angeles, California. We are dedicated to addressing the critical need for increased understanding and support for individuals grappling with a myriad of challenges, whether it be homelessness, ...

Empathy Through Literature: Illuminating Stories for Positive Change

In a world filled with challenges and complexities, we envision a future where literature becomes a powerful catalyst for widespread empathy, understanding, and social change. Our mission is clear: to confront the pressing issues of homelessness, addiction, and mental illness head-on, with the aim of fostering a ...

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Seeking support beyond Bondage No More? Visit Divine Intervention Treatment Solutions Inc. at TreatmentIsDivine.org for personalized care and holistic healing. 

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Inspiring Stories

Not Just Recovered But Delivered

This book offers personal experiences and insights on achieving true deliverance from addictive behaviors and spiritual bondage. It aims to provide examples of how individuals can find freedom from self-destructive patterns and the influence of evil forces. The author encourages readers to apply practical principles to their daily lives, trusting in God for lasting transformation and sanity.

True deliverance is possible through faith and application of practical principles, leading to freedom from addiction and spiritual bondage.

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A Parallel Of Words

The author presents a perspective on the interconnectedness of truth across various fields of study, particularly focusing on parallels between religious and spiritual teachings. Drawing from experiences in recovery programs like Alcoholics Anonymous, the book emphasizes the importance of understanding spiritual concepts beyond religious dogma. It suggests that words and messages from sacred texts, when examined closely, reveal deeper truths applicable across different disciplines.

Truth transcends boundaries and can be found by examining parallels between seemingly disparate fields of study, leading to a deeper understanding of spirituality beyond religious confines.

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Not Just Recovered but Delivered II: He Is Able

This book serves as a manual for individuals struggling with emotional pain, habits, or dependencies. It reassures readers that despite their suffering and doubts about God's care, He is present and capable of delivering them from their circumstances. Through encouragement and praise, the author emphasizes the power of faith and perseverance, urging readers to trust in God's ability to bring about deliverance.

God is able to deliver individuals from their struggles and challenges, and trusting in His power and goodness can lead to ultimate freedom and transformation.

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Empowering Change Through Enlightened Literature

At the heart of our vision lies a profound belief in the transformative power of literature. We envision a world where every page holds the potential to ignite empathy, understanding, and meaningful social change. By confronting the pressing challenges of homelessness, addiction, and mental illness through our words, we strive to foster a society that is both enlightened and compassionate. Our goal is to create an inclusive environment where every individual is embraced with empathy, every story is listened to with understanding, and every life is imbued with hope and positive transformation. Together, let us illuminate the path toward deliverance and inspire enduring change in the lives of those who need it most.

Let Your Voice Be Heard!

Ready to share your story or explore the power of impactful literature? Fill out the form below to get in touch with our team in Los Angeles. Let's start a conversation and illuminate the path toward positive change together.